Child sexual abuse, self-esteem, and delinquent behaviors during adolescence : The moderating role of gender
Gauthier-Duchesne, A., Hébert, M., et Blais, M. (2022)
Journal of interpersonal violence, 37(15-16), NP12725-NP12744
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The mediating role of internalizing problems between peer victimizationand dating violence victimization: a test of the stress generationhypothesis
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Impacts du soutien social sur le bien-être de jeunes adultes non binaires
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Intersectional Analysis of the Life Course of LGBTQ+ Parent Families in Québec: Partial and Homonormative Inclusion
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Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression Conversion Exposure and their Correlates among LGBTQI2+ Persons in Québec, Canada
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PloS one, 17(4), e0265580
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Dating violence experiences among youths with same-gender and multi-gender dating partners: A dyadic concordance type approach
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À l’intersection de plusieurs réalités : quand la diversité sexuelle rencontre le milieu rural agricole
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Interventions en promotion de la santé auprès des personnes aînées LGBTQ: réalités québécoises
Beauchamp, J., Lecompte, M., Marier, P., Chamberland, L., Wallach, I., et Breault, L. (2022)
Santé Publique, (HS2), S237-S240
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La polyvictimisation et la détresse psychologique comme médiateurs de la fugue chez les jeunes de minorités sexuelles
Duford, J., Blais, M., Smith, Hébert, M. (2022)
Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 55(4), 273–284
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“The least loved, that’s what I was”: A qualitative analysis of the pathways to homelessness by LGBTQ+ youth
Côté, P.-B. et Blais, M. (2021)
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 33(2), 137-156.
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